Medical Negligence

Compensation law covers various deliberate and negligent acts which result in injury to your person and for which you may be entitled to claim monetary sums. These situations may arise whilst driving, at work or whilst in a public place such as a shopping centre.

Workers Compensation

The Workers Compensation Act 1987 governs a person’s right to compensation when  injured at work.

Compensation can be paid as weekly benefits for periods of absence from work. Generally weekly benefits are paid at the rate of your normal weekly earnings. However, how long these benefits are paid and to what extent they are paid can vary.

Compensation is also paid to reimburse or provide for reasonable medical treatment expenses. There is also compensation available on a lump sum basis for the degree of impairment which results from an injury sustained by a worker as long as the level of impairment is at least 11% whole person impairment.

Our principal solicitor specialises in hearing loss claims, where a worker has suffered hearing loss due to exposure to noise at work. Generally, a worker must show at least 6% hearing loss in both ears before being eligible for monetary compensation and/or hearing aids. These claims may be made even if a worker has stopped working many years beforehand, or has previously made a claim for hearing loss.

Motor Accident Claims

The Motor Accidents Compensation Act 1999 governs the payment of compensation to an injured motorist, passenger or pedestrian for injuries arising from a motor vehicle accident.

Compensation can be awarded for the pain and suffering if a claimant can established that the injuries they have suffered resulted in a whole person impairment of at least 11%. Compensation can also be awarded for past and future medical treatment expenses, past and future wage loss and the value of gratuitous or commercial care that has and/or will be required by an injured person.

Public Liability Claims

The Civil Liability Act 2002 sets out the statutory regime for personal injury claims for injuries which occur primarily on public or private property.

Once negligence has been established on the part of the party responsible for the accident the injured person is entitled to recover damages or compensation under a number of different headings.

We invite you to contact us via email, telephone or by completing our online enquiry form so one of our Wollongong compensation lawyers can inform you about your possible entitlements. We do not charge any fee to meet with you and discuss your compensation entitlements, and work on a “no win, no fee”* basis in these types of matters.

* Conditions Apply.

Phone: 02 4228 0084

Office: Level 1, Suite 43,
 26-28 Market Street
Wollongong NSW 2500