A person with an interest in a deceased estate can challenge a Will in the Supreme Court if they believe it is not legally valid or if they have not been left any, or adequate, provision from the estate.
A beneficiary, or someone who would be entitled to the estate if the deceased had died intestate, may dispute the validity of a Will or make a claim for further provision from the estate.
Eligible persons are:
Ideally, any challenge to the validity of a Will should be brought before Probate is granted. Consideration may be given to filing a probate caveat to prevent the court from issuing a Grant of Probate until the parties agree to its removal or the court makes an order. Any claim for provision should also be brought as soon as possible and within 12 months of the deceased’s passing.
Unlike ordinary civil claims, costs in contested estate cases are treated differently. The court will usually — but not always — order the estate to cover the costs of any genuine claim.
Contesting a Will and challenging an estate can be a lengthy and complex process. We encourage you to contact us to discuss your options.
Generally, a will dispute can be brought by a beneficiary or anyone who would have been entitled to the estate if the deceased had died intestate. Eligible persons often include the deceased’s spouse or de facto partner, children, former spouses, dependents (such as grandchildren or household members), or anyone who shares a close personal relationship with the deceased.
It’s best to challenge the validity of a Will before probate is granted—often by filing a probate caveat to delay the Grant of Probate until the dispute is resolved. Claims for further provision should be brought within 12 months of the deceased’s passing. In many cases, the court may order that the estate cover the costs of a genuine claim, although this isn’t always guaranteed.
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