If you’ve been charged with a criminal or traffic offence, the outcome of your Court case might be life-changing and range from fines and loss of licence to jail time.
Our involvement might start at the time you are detained, or when we make an urgent application to the court for bail and will include making any representations to police to prepare for any defence hearing. In Court, we will work hard to defend you to give you the best possible outcome.
We can handle all areas of criminal law, including:
We appear regularly in the Local Court, Children’s Court, District Court and Criminal Court of Appeal and are capable of running the majority of our summary matters without the additional cost to you of briefing a Barrister.
Whether you’ve been in the courts before or it’s your first offence, navigating the criminal justice system is a daunting experience. Contact us so we can help you manage your way through the legal system to get the best possible outcome for you.
If you are arrested, you are only required to answer questions regarding your identity, including your name, address, and date of birth. You have the right to refuse to answer any other questions. You may also decline to participate in an identification parade (line-up). However, if you do, the police may be allowed to conduct a photographic identification instead.
No one can access your criminal record unless you have given consent or it is requested by the police or an authorised public body.
A solicitor may:
Need help with a legal issue? Send us your details and one of our team members will be in touch
As a small Wollongong law firm, we pride ourselves on providing a personal service in which the client deals directly with the solicitor with carriage of the matter. Our focus is on delivering high-quality legal support that is both efficient and affordable.
Level 1, Suite 43,
26-28 Market Street
Wollongong NSW 2500
02 4228 0084
9am – 5pm
(Closed 1 – 2pm daily)
South Coast
Southern Highlands
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation
ABN 33 152 402 143 | COPYRIGHT © 2024 | Disclaimer
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