Hours: 9am – 5pm weekdays (closed between 1 -2 pm)
Office Location
Level 1, Suite 43,
26-28 Market Street
Wollongong NSW 2500
We are in the Sunrise Building. To gain access to our office please use the building side entry and follow the directions on the intercom.
We understand that it can be difficult to reach out and make contact Solicitor for the first time. Please feel free to complete the online form below and we will be sure to be in contact with you at the soonest opportunity. Your initial enquiry is free and at no obligation. We are able to confer with you face to face, by telephone or via Zoom/MS Teams.
We are a family built and owned local business, founded in 2009. We pride ourselves on providing a personal, high quality service which is friendly, efficient and affordable.
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Contact Us
Level 1, Suite 43, 26-28 Market Street Wollongong NSW 2500
4228 00844
9am – 1pm & 2pm – 5pm weekdays
Areas We Service
South Coast
Southern Highlands
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation