Motor Vehicle Accident

If you are injured as a result of a motor vehicle accident you may be entitled to claim benefits.

There are set timeframes within which you must report the accident to police and lodge your claim, so it is important you act quickly.

The amount of compensation for a car accident which you may be entitled to will depend on many factors. Generally, the greater the extent of your injury, the higher the compensation.

Any compensation which you are entitled to is paid by the Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance company of the vehicle at fault in the accident – this could be your own insurer. You can find more information about the CTP scheme on the NSW SIRA. For a helpful summary of the personal injury claims process see this flowchart prepared by the NSW Government.

We typically run compensation claims on a no win, no fee basis, which means if your claim is unsuccessful, you are not responsible for paying our professional fees. To find out more about your entitlements, contact us.

Where to begin…


Report the crash to

If the police are not called to the scene of the accident, the accident should be reported to police as soon as possible and within 28 days and take note of the COPS Event Number provided.


Seek medical help

If an ambulance does not attend the scene of the accident, it is important to see a GP or attend a hospital as soon as possible.


Gather as much information as possible

Gather as much information as possible, including the licence details of any drivers involved in the crash, the time, date and location of the crash.


Reach out

Your claim needs to lodged with the CTP insurer of the driver at fault within 28 days of the accident.

Phone: 02 4228 0084

Office: Level 1, Suite 43,
 26-28 Market Street
Wollongong NSW 2500